Born between February 19 and March 20, Pisceans are the ultimate combination of lessons learned from every other sign’s evolution making their sign the hardest to define. Constantly adapting to their surroundings, Pisces energy can easily break down the barriers between people, reality and dreams.
Pisceans are compassionate and adaptable, yet they have strong convictions about what is the best way for them to live. Truly all about love, they have a "live and let live" approach when it comes to others.
No matter your zodiac sign, there’s something truly inspiring about the strong yet soft-hearted nature of Pisces. Let these styles spark your creativity—whether you follow them as they are or put your own unique twist on them! Either way, you’ll love the comfortable, non-damaging, and crease-free hold of PONY-O in your hair.
1. Pigtails
Those born under the sign of Pisces are the ultimate cool without even trying, a perfect match for unique PONY-O hair ties. Somehow these intuitive fish always know the best music, TV shows and food trends before they become popular. Speaking of knowing you're cool, this fun pigtails style is created with two PONY-Os.

2. Ponytail with a Side Braid
This style is right in line with the creative and imaginative side of playful, artistically gifted Pisces. You'll only need one PONY-O for this gorgeous braided style.
3. Two Styles in One: Bubble or Braid
Pisces are often brilliant and their magnificently imaginative powers are unequalled in the zodiac: think Albert Einstein or Alexander Graham Bell! Their creativity has literally changed the world and in the true Piscean way, inspired countless others to unlock their own potential. This Bubble PLUS Braid style is super imaginative, and you only need one PONY-O to create your version.
Two styles in one: Bubble and Braid
How Are You Celebrating Pisces Season?
Maybe you're a Pisces, have a best friend who is, or simply admire their ever-adaptable nature. Either way, let their fluid and creative spirit inspire your next hair look!
We’d love to see your favorite hair and beauty looks in celebration of our Pisces friends this season - be sure to tag us on Instagram so we can check out your creative style!
More Pisces Vibes:
The Benefits of Switching to PONY-O